Rulers are the common tools in our daily life and you can use the edge of a ruler as a guide in drawing straight lines. Since there are two main types of rulers in our life, compared with the metric ruler, the interpretation of an English Ruler is different. Here will introduce you the way to read an English Ruler. 
English Ruler
1), Count the number of marks between each number, remembering that the numbers represent inches and the smaller marks are fractions of those inches. Note that English rulers may have eight marks or 16 marks between each inch, but the latter is more common.
2), Look for the three longest marks between two inches. These represent the measurements of fourths: 1/4, 2/4 (or 1/2) and 3/4. Look for the next smallest marks, which represent measurements of eighths: 1/8, 3/8, 5/8 and 7/8. Look for the smallest eight marks, which represent measurements of sixteenths: 1/16, 3/16, 5/16, 7/16, 9/16, 11/16, 13/16 and 15/16.
3), Read an English ruler by looking for the whole number preceding the measurement, and then counting the fractional tick marks, identifying what that measurement is by the sizes specified in Step 2. Leave the answer in fractional form or use a calculator to convert the number to decimal form. For example, a measurement past the 3-inch line and on the third smallest line would be 3 and 5/16 inches, which also equals 3.3125.

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